Ajaxel content management system and framework

Ajaxel система управления сайтом в9.1 и фреймворк

Очень простая аяксовая CMS и фреймворк для любых потребностей проекта. Редактируйте содержимое своего веб-сайта из бэкэнда или внешнего интерфейса. Попробуйте и убедитесь, насколько хорош этот материал!

Ajaxel intranet system

Ajaxel интранет система заказов

Список новых входящих заказов (с удаленных веб-сайтов) с возможностью массовой рассылки электронных писем с сгенерированными вложениями в формате PDF и SMS-сообщениями. Изменение статусов, сохранение ответов и другие. Поставляется с CMS Ajaxel

Ajaxel live slot-machine game

Игровой автомат Ajaxel

Проверьте эту игру, посмотрите, насколько это круто) Доска 5x3, чтобы крутить для победы. Приятная анимация, играющая музыка, бонусы, списки победителей. Можно создавать собственные иконки, линии и призы... Поставляется с Ajaxel CMS. Кроме того, у меня есть игра в онлайн-покер.

Timemonkey - efficient time management web based software

TimeMonkey - Efficient time management web-based

Think positive, save ideas, save thoughts, manage you tasks and control your calendar. Export calendar to your web site!

Ajaxel customer relationship manager

PollExpert - Professional survey web-based

Create your individual, corporate-, secure- or step-by-step online poll. You don't need to be an IT expert. Export results to excel.

Ajaxel customer relationship manager

Любой другой летающий сайт с Ajaxel CMS. Разработка

Создайте желаемый проект с помощью Ajaxel Студии!

Скрипты: About AJAX and Ajaxel CMS

What Can Ajaxel Be Used For?

What Can Ajaxel Be Used For?

Okay, so you've discovered Ajaxel, it looks great and you just have to use it, but what can tyou use it for? In reality, you can use it for almost any kind of web site, from a personal blog to a business or e-commerce web site. The applications are as varied as your imagination. If you need a web site that's easy to setup and use, looks professional, is search engine friendly and can earn you money too, then Ajaxel is your best solution - much more flexible that Joomla, Drupal or WordPress!

Here are some ways you can use Ajaxel to setup a professional website...

Why Ajaxel?

Why Ajaxel?

Ajaxel is the fast and convenient desktop user friendly CMS. With this CMS you will be able to create website, CRM, intranet or another big or small online project.

Why is it so good? The answer lies in a rapid change in the site through the windows desktop, double click on the shortcut menu and enable the web master to add or edit content quickly and conveniently.

Contains a lot of modules and convenient structure, user-friendly links, not only looks beautiful on the outside but inside that makes the system pleasant for programmers.

With so many CMS-es to choose from, why use Ajaxel? Nowadays there are literally hundreds of content management systems that make all kinds of promises. Some are commercial, others are free, some work and some don't, so why is Ajaxel a good choice?

What is AJAX?

What is AJAX?
Ajax itself is a technique, but to use the technique effectively one must become familiar with the philosophy behind the technique. In other words, it is not just the use of the technique that is important, but rather developing a different mindset and approach to Web development that is central.
To date, I have mentioned the term Ajax a number of times but have not described the central object that makes Ajax, Ajax. At the heart of Ajax are the xmlhttprequest object and its Microsoft's activeX equivalent.
It is this object that allows data to be transferred asynchronously. In case you are not clear what asynchronous means, it is the ability to handle processes independently from other processes.
Synchronous which is the opposite of asynchronous, then means that processes are dependent upon other processes. To illustrate let us use a classical Web page scenario.

Why Ajax

Why Ajax

Ajax has changed the web. There’s no doubt about that. It’s made the internet a happier place to be (well, when it’s used well) and has helped fuel the Web 2.0 movement to make it what it is today.
But what I’m left wondering is - why?
No, I’m not saying that Ajax is overrated or that it’s not really useful (I wouldn’t be writing for this site if I were). What I’m going for is more of why Ajax is as popular as it is and what it is about the way we use the web that makes it such a perfect fit.

Wiki: Ajax (programming)

Ajax is not a single technology, but a group of technologies. HTML and CSS can be used in combination to mark up and style information. The DOM is accessed with JavaScript to dynamically display, and allow the user to interact with, the information presented. JavaScript and the XMLHttpRequest object provide a method for exchanging data asynchronously between browser and server to avoid full page reloads..

Ajax: A New Approach to Web Applications

Ajax: A New Approach to Web Applications

If anything about current interaction design can be called “glamorous,” it’s creating Web applications. After all, when was the last time you heard someone rave about the interaction design of a product that wasn’t on the Web? (Okay, besides the iPod.) All the cool, innovative new projects are online.

Despite this, Web interaction designers can’t help but feel a little envious of our colleagues who create desktop software. Desktop applications have a richness and responsiveness that has seemed out of reach on the Web. The same simplicity that enabled the Web’s rapid proliferation also creates a gap between the experiences we can provide and the experiences users can get from a desktop application.

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