The usual admin template for lists and for window
The usual admin template for lists and for window Posted by Alexander Shatalov Lists in admin:HTML (4.0.1) <?php /** * Ajaxel CMS v6.20 * * ================= * * Copyright (c) 2007-2013, Alexander Shatalov <[email protected]>. All rights reserved. * * The software, this file and its contents are subject to the Ajaxel CMS * License. Please read the license.txt file before using, installing, copying, * modifying or distribute this file or part of its contents. The contents of * this file is part of the source code of Ajaxel CMS. * * @file tpls/admin/orders2.php * @category Content management system * @package Ajaxel CMS * @version 6.20, 04:32 2013-09-15 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2007-2013, Alexander Shatalov <[email protected]>. All rights reserved. * @license */ ?><script type="text/javascript"> $().ready(function() { <?php echo $this->inc('js_load')?> var data = <?php echo $this->json_data?>, a; if (data.length) { var html = '<table class="a-list a-list-one" cellspacing="0">'; html += '<tr><th width="2%"><?php echo lang('$ID')?></th><th width="22%"><?php echo lang('$Date')?></th><th width="15%"><?php echo lang('$Status')?></th><th width="36%"><?php echo lang('$Buyer')?></th><th width="20%"><?php echo lang('$Price/qty')?></th><th width="5%"> </th></tr>'; for(i=0;i<data.length;i++) { a = data[i]; html += '<tr class="'+(i%2?'':'a-odd')+'">'; html += '<td class="a-l" style="text-align:right"><a href="javascript:;" onclick="S.A.M.edit('', this)">''.</a></td>'; html += '<td class="a-l"><a href="javascript:;" onclick="S.A.M.edit('', this)">'+a.ordered+'</a></td>'; html += '<td class="a-l" nowrap>'+a.s+'</td>'; html += '<td class="a-l"><a '+(a.userid?'href="javascript:;" onclick="\'?<?php echo URL_KEY_ADMIN?>=users&id='+a.userid+'\')"':'href="mailto:''"')+'" style="-size:11px">'+a.login+'</a></td>'; html += '<td class="a-l" nowrap>'+a.price_total+' '+a.currency+' ('+a.quantity_total+')</td>'; html += '<td class="a-r a-action_buttons" width="20%">'; html += '<a href="javascript:;" onclick="S.A.M.edit('', this)"><img src="/tpls/img/oxygen/16x16/actions/edit.png" /></a>'; html += '<a href="javascript:;" onclick="S.A.L.del({id:'', active:'+(', title: \'this order '+a.ordered+', ID: ''\'}, this, true)"><img src="/tpls/img/oxygen/16x16/actions/edit-delete.png" /></a>'; html += '</td>'; html += '</tr>'; } html += '</table>'; } else { html = ' <?php echo lang('$No orders were found')?>'; } S.A.L.ready(html); }); </script> <?php $this->inc('top')?> <form method="post" id="<?php echo $this->name?>-search"> <select onchange="S.A.L.get('?<?php echo URL::rq('user_groupid',$this->referer)?>&order_status='+this.value);"> <option style="color:#666" value="<?php echo self::KEY_ALL?>"<?php echo ($this->order_status==self::KEY_ALL?' selected="selected"':'')?>><?php echo lang('$-- all statuses --')?></option> <?php echo HTML::buildOptions($this->order_status, array_label(Conf()->g('order_statuses')),false,' selected="selected"',false,false)?> </select> <?php $this->inc('search')?> <?php $this->inc('help_buttons')?> </form> <?php $this->inc('list')?> <?php $this->inc('bot')?> And window in admin: HTML (4.0.1) <?php /** * Ajaxel CMS v6.20 * * ================= * * Copyright (c) 2007-2013, Alexander Shatalov <[email protected]>. All rights reserved. * * The software, this file and its contents are subject to the Ajaxel CMS * License. Please read the license.txt file before using, installing, copying, * modifying or distribute this file or part of its contents. The contents of * this file is part of the source code of Ajaxel CMS. * * @file tpls/admin/settings_modules_window.php * @category Content management system * @package Ajaxel CMS * @version 6.20, 04:32 2013-09-15 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2007-2013, Alexander Shatalov <[email protected]>. All rights reserved. * @license */ ?><?php $title = lang('$'.($this->id ? 'Edit':'Add new').' module:').' '; $this->title = $title.$this->post('type', false).'::'.$this->post('table', false); $this->width = 600; $tab_height = 265; ?><script type="text/javascript"> var window_<?php echo $this->name_id?> = { load:function() { <?php echo $this->inc('js_load', array('win'=>true))?> S.A.W.tabs('<?php echo $this->name_id?>'); } } <?php $this->inc('js_pop')?> </script> <?php $this->inc('window_top'); ?><form method="post" class="window_form" id="a-form_<?php echo $this->name_id?>"> name_id?>" class="a-tabs"> <ul class="a-tabs_ul"> <li><a href="#a_main_<?php echo $this->name_id?>"><?php echo lang('$Module details')?></a></li> <li><a href="#a_settings_<?php echo $this->name_id?>"><?php echo lang('$Module settings')?></a></li> <li><a href="#a_notes_<?php echo $this->name_id?>"><?php echo lang('$Notes')?></a></li> </ul> name_id?>" style="height:<?php echo $tab_height?>px;" class="a-tab"> <table class="a-form" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td class="a-l" width="15%"><?php echo lang('$Module title:')?></td><td class="a-r" colspan="2" width="85%"><input type="text" class="a-input" id="a-w-title_<?php echo $this->name_id?>" style="width:99%" name="data[title]" value="<?php echo $this->post('title')?>" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="a-l" width="15%"><?php echo lang('$Description:')?></td><td class="a-r" colspan="2" width="85%"><textarea name="data[descr]" type="text" class="a-textarea" id="a-w-descr_<?php echo $this->name_id?>" style="width:99%;height:65px"><?php echo $this->post('descr')?></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="a-l" width="15%"><?php echo lang('$Icon:')?></td><td class="a-r" colspan="2" width="85%"><input class="a-input" type="text" name="data[icon]" style="width:<?php if (FILE_BROWSER):?>70<?php else:?>95<?php endif;?>%" id="a-icon_<?php echo $this->name_id?>" value="<?php echo $this->post('icon')?>" /><?php if (FILE_BROWSER):?> <button type="button" class="a-button a-button_x" onclick="S.A.W.browseServer('Icons:/oxygen/16x16/actions/','a-icon_<?php echo $this->name_id?>');"><?php echo lang('$Choose..')?></button> <button type="button" class="a-button a-button_x" onclick="$('#a-icon_<?php echo $this->name_id?>').val('');">x</button><?php endif;?></td> </tr> </table> name_id?>" style="height:<?php echo $tab_height?>px;" class="a-tab"> <table class="a-form" cellspacing="0"> <?php $this->inc('form',array('post'=>$this->post('options', false),'elements'=>$this->array['options'][$this->post('type', false)],'array'=>$this->array['array']))?> </table> name_id?>" style="height:<?php echo $tab_height?>px;" class="a-tab"> <table class="a-form" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td class="a-r" colspan="5" width="85%"> <textarea type="text" class="a-textarea" name="data[notes]" style="width:99%;height:250px"><?php echo $this->post('notes')?></textarea> </td> </tr> </table> <?php $this->inc('bottom', array( 'save' => 'content_save', 'no_add' => true )); ?> <?php $url = $this->url_full.'&id='.$this->id;?> <input type="hidden" name="get" value="action" /> </form> <?php $this->inc('window_bottom')?> That's all folks! ![]() | |
Alexander Shatalov 15 november 2013 in 20:08 | Very simple to make yourself this stuff. |