Ajaxel content management system and framework

Ajaxel content management system v9.1 and framework

Very simple ajaxified CMS and framework for any project needs. Edit your website content from backend or front end. Try and see how good this stuff is!

Ajaxel intranet system

Ajaxel orders intranet system

List of new incoming orders (from remote websites) with possibility to send mass E-mails with generated PDF attachments and SMS-es. Changing statuses, saving answers and others. Comes with Ajaxel CMS

Ajaxel live slot-machine game

Ajaxel live slot-machine game

Check this game, see how cool this is) 5x3 board to spin for win. Nice animations, playing music, bonuses, winner lists. Possible to make own icons, lines and prizes... Comes with Ajaxel CMS. Also, I have online poker game coming.

Timemonkey - efficient time management web based software

TimeMonkey - Efficient time management web-based

Think positive, save ideas, save thoughts, manage you tasks and control your calendar. Export calendar to your web site!

Ajaxel customer relationship manager

PollExpert - Professional survey web-based

Create your individual, corporate-, secure- or step-by-step online poll. You don't need to be an IT expert. Export results to excel.

Ajaxel customer relationship manager

Any other flying website with Ajaxel CMS. Development

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The usual admin template for lists and for window

Home :: PHP lessons :: The usual admin template for lists and for windowReply
The usual admin template for lists and for window
Posted by Alexander Shatalov
Lists in admin:
HTML (4.0.1)
* Ajaxel CMS v6.20
* http://ajaxel.com
* =================
* Copyright (c) 2007-2013, Alexander Shatalov <[email protected]>. All rights reserved.
* The software, this file and its contents are subject to the Ajaxel CMS
* License. Please read the license.txt file before using, installing, copying,
* modifying or distribute this file or part of its contents. The contents of
* this file is part of the source code of Ajaxel CMS.
* @file       tpls/admin/orders2.php
* @category   Content management system
* @package    Ajaxel CMS
* @version    6.20, 04:32 2013-09-15
* @copyright  Copyright (c) 2007-2013, Alexander Shatalov <[email protected]>. All rights reserved.
* @license    http://ajaxel.com/license.txt
?><script type="text/javascript">
$().ready(function() {
        <?php echo $this->inc('js_load')?>
        var data = <?php echo $this->json_data?>, a;
        if (data.length) {
                var html = '<table class="a-list a-list-one" cellspacing="0">';
                html += '<tr><th width="2%"><?php echo lang('$ID')?></th><th width="22%"><?php echo lang('$Date')?></th><th width="15%"><?php echo lang('$Status')?></th><th width="36%"><?php echo lang('$Buyer')?></th><th width="20%"><?php echo lang('$Price/qty')?></th><th width="5%"> </th></tr>';
                for(i=0;i<data.length;i++) {
                        a = data[i];
                        html += '<tr class="'+(i%2?'':'a-odd')+'">';
                        html += '<td class="a-l" style="text-align:right"><a href="javascript:;" onclick="S.A.M.edit('+a.id+', this)">'+a.id+'.</a></td>';
                        html += '<td class="a-l"><a href="javascript:;" onclick="S.A.M.edit('+a.id+', this)">'+a.ordered+'</a></td>';
                        html += '<td class="a-l" nowrap>'+a.s+'</td>';
                        html += '<td class="a-l"><a '+(a.userid?'href="javascript:;" onclick="S.A.W.open(\'?<?php echo URL_KEY_ADMIN?>=users&id='+a.userid+'\')"':'href="mailto:'+a.email+'"')+'" style="-size:11px">'+a.login+'</a></td>';
                        html += '<td class="a-l" nowrap>'+a.price_total+' '+a.currency+' ('+a.quantity_total+')</td>';
                        html += '<td class="a-r a-action_buttons" width="20%">';
                        html += '<a href="javascript:;" onclick="S.A.M.edit('+a.id+', this)"><img src="/tpls/img/oxygen/16x16/actions/edit.png" /></a>';
                        html += '<a href="javascript:;" onclick="S.A.L.del({id:'+a.id+', active:'+(a.active==1)+', title: \'this order '+a.ordered+', ID: '+a.id+'\'}, this, true)"><img src="/tpls/img/oxygen/16x16/actions/edit-delete.png" /></a>';
                        html += '</td>';                       
                        html += '</tr>';
                html += '</table>';
        } else {
                html = '
<?php echo lang('$No orders were found')?>';
<?php $this->inc('top')?>
<form method="post" id="<?php echo $this->name?>-search">
        <select onchange="S.A.L.get('?<?php echo URL::rq('user_groupid',$this->referer)?>&order_status='+this.value);">
                <option style="color:#666" value="<?php echo self::KEY_ALL?>"<?php echo ($this->order_status==self::KEY_ALL?' selected="selected"':'')?>><?php echo lang('$-- all statuses --')?></option>
                <?php echo HTML::buildOptions($this->order_status, array_label(Conf()->g('order_statuses')),false,' selected="selected"',false,false)?>
        <?php $this->inc('search')?>
                <?php $this->inc('help_buttons')?>
<?php $this->inc('list')?>
<?php $this->inc('bot')?>

And window in admin:
HTML (4.0.1)
* Ajaxel CMS v6.20
* http://ajaxel.com
* =================
* Copyright (c) 2007-2013, Alexander Shatalov <[email protected]>. All rights reserved.
* The software, this file and its contents are subject to the Ajaxel CMS
* License. Please read the license.txt file before using, installing, copying,
* modifying or distribute this file or part of its contents. The contents of
* this file is part of the source code of Ajaxel CMS.
* @file       tpls/admin/settings_modules_window.php
* @category   Content management system
* @package    Ajaxel CMS
* @version    6.20, 04:32 2013-09-15
* @copyright  Copyright (c) 2007-2013, Alexander Shatalov <[email protected]>. All rights reserved.
* @license    http://ajaxel.com/license.txt
$title = lang('$'.($this->id ? 'Edit':'Add new').' module:').' ';
$this->title = $title.$this->post('type', false).'::'.$this->post('table', false);
$this->width = 600;
$tab_height = 265;
?><script type="text/javascript">
var window_<?php echo $this->name_id?> = {
        load:function() {
                <?php echo $this->inc('js_load', array('win'=>true))?>
                S.A.W.tabs('<?php echo $this->name_id?>');
<?php $this->inc('js_pop')?>
?><form method="post" class="window_form" id="a-form_<?php echo $this->name_id?>">
name_id?>" class="a-tabs">
                <ul class="a-tabs_ul">
                        <li><a href="#a_main_<?php echo $this->name_id?>"><?php echo lang('$Module details')?></a></li>
                        <li><a href="#a_settings_<?php echo $this->name_id?>"><?php echo lang('$Module settings')?></a></li>
                        <li><a href="#a_notes_<?php echo $this->name_id?>"><?php echo lang('$Notes')?></a></li>
name_id?>" style="height:<?php echo $tab_height?>px;" class="a-tab">
                        <table class="a-form" cellspacing="0">
                                        <td class="a-l" width="15%"><?php echo lang('$Module title:')?></td><td class="a-r" colspan="2" width="85%"><input type="text" class="a-input" id="a-w-title_<?php echo $this->name_id?>" style="width:99%" name="data[title]" value="<?php echo $this->post('title')?>" /></td>
                                        <td class="a-l" width="15%"><?php echo lang('$Description:')?></td><td class="a-r" colspan="2" width="85%"><textarea name="data[descr]" type="text" class="a-textarea" id="a-w-descr_<?php echo $this->name_id?>" style="width:99%;height:65px"><?php echo $this->post('descr')?></textarea></td>
                                        <td class="a-l" width="15%"><?php echo lang('$Icon:')?></td><td class="a-r" colspan="2" width="85%"><input class="a-input" type="text" name="data[icon]" style="width:<?php if (FILE_BROWSER):?>70<?php else:?>95<?php endif;?>%" id="a-icon_<?php echo $this->name_id?>" value="<?php echo $this->post('icon')?>" /><?php if (FILE_BROWSER):?> <button type="button" class="a-button a-button_x" onclick="S.A.W.browseServer('Icons:/oxygen/16x16/actions/','a-icon_<?php echo $this->name_id?>');"><?php echo lang('$Choose..')?></button> <button type="button" class="a-button a-button_x" onclick="$('#a-icon_<?php echo $this->name_id?>').val('');">x</button><?php endif;?></td>
name_id?>" style="height:<?php echo $tab_height?>px;" class="a-tab">
                        <table class="a-form" cellspacing="0">
                                <?php $this->inc('form',array('post'=>$this->post('options', false),'elements'=>$this->array['options'][$this->post('type', false)],'array'=>$this->array['array']))?>
name_id?>" style="height:<?php echo $tab_height?>px;" class="a-tab">
                        <table class="a-form" cellspacing="0">
                                        <td class="a-r" colspan="5" width="85%">
                                                <textarea type="text" class="a-textarea" name="data[notes]" style="width:99%;height:250px"><?php echo $this->post('notes')?></textarea>
        <?php $this->inc('bottom', array(
                'save'                  => 'content_save',
                'no_add'                => true
        )); ?>
        <?php $url = $this->url_full.'&id='.$this->id;?>
        <input type="hidden" name="get" value="action" />
<?php $this->inc('window_bottom')?>

That's all folks! wink
Very simple to make yourself this stuff.

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